The result shows that adding the leaching aid is of benefit to improve the recovery of gold and silver during the process of cyanide leaching. 结果表明,在氰化浸出的过程中添加助浸剂有利于提高金和银的浸出率。
The thermodynamic and equilibrium constant criterion of the silver leaching with cyanide is deduced. 推导计算了氰化物浸银过程的热力学及平衡常数判据。
Study on Analysis Method of Silver in High Purity Potassium Silver Cyanide 高纯度氰化银钾中银的分析方法研究
An experiment on the single silver ore and complete cyanide leaching 单一银矿石全泥氰化试验
Pulse Cyanide Silver Plating A Research on the Pulse Cyanide Silver Plating on the Cyanide Copper Deposition on Brass Substrate 银的脉冲电沉积&一、黄铜基体上氰化镀铜后脉冲氰化镀银的研究
Determination of Impurity Elements in Silver Cyanide Bath by ICP-AES ICP-AES法测定氰化镀银液中的杂质元素
Probing into the reaction of silver sulphide and sodium cyanide 硫化银与氰化钠反应研究
The technology of recovering gold and silver from the cyanide solution of heap leaching using adsorption by activited carbon was studied. 本文研究了用活性炭吸附法从堆浸氰化液中回收金、银的工艺流程。
The experiment on single silver ore and complete cyanide Leaching is studied. 对单一银矿石进行了全泥氰化试验研究。
A Study of New Brighteners for Silver Plating in Cyanide Solution 氰化物溶液中新型镀银光亮剂的研究
The influences of the parameters of pulse power, the concentration of silver nitrate, potassium cyanide, DMS brightener in the bath and temperature on deposit quality were discussed. 讨论了脉冲电源参数、镀液中的硝酸银、氰化钾和DMS光亮剂的质量浓度以及镀液温度对镀层质量的影响。
Current Research and Development of Brighteners for Silver Plating in Cyanide SoLution 氰化镀银光亮剂的研究现状及发展
Some behaviours of activated carbon adsorption of gold ( silver) in cyanide solution 氰化物溶液中活性炭吸附金银的一些行为
The pilot plant tests for comprehensive extraction of gold, silver and copper from cyanide solution by a solvent extraction 季铵盐萃取从碱性氰化液中综合提取金、银、铜的半工业试验
A Process for Synthesis of Potassium Silver Cyanide 氰化银钾的合成技术
Thermodynamic criterion for silver leaching with cyanide 氰化浸银过程的热力学判据
An investigation of the behavior of selenious acid during the process of silver electrodeposition from a cyanide bath was carried out using several techniques including RDE and AC impedance. 本文采用旋转圆盘电极技术与交流阻抗技术对亚硒酸在氰化物镀液中银电沉积过程时的行为进行了研究。
Catalytic Behavior of Selenious Acid on Silver Electroplating in Cyanide Bath 亚硒酸在氰化物镀银中的催化作用
The necessarily minimum electrical potential for the oxidant in the silver leaching with cyanide,(-0.3097V), is higher than that in the process of gold leaching,-0.73V. 氰化物浸银所需氧化剂的最小电位(-0.3097V),高于氰化物浸金所需氧化剂的最小电位(-0.73V)。
Extraction Spectrophotometry of silver in cyanide leaching process of gold 氰化浸金过程银的萃取减色光度测定
This paper makes a study on some behaviours of activated carbon adsorbing gold ( silver) in cyanide solution and the factors influencing the adsorption efficiency. 本文研究了氰化物溶液中活性炭吸附金银的一些行为及影响吸附效果的某些因素,对炭浆过程影响金银回收的一些参数。
Comprehensive recovery of gold and silver from cyanide solution of heap leaching 堆浸氰化液中金、银的综合回收
The technique and practice of electroplating hard silver from cyanide bath 氰化镀硬银工艺的生产实践
Discussion on the cause of low silver leaching rate taken place in gold and silver cyanide leaching and ways to increase it 试论氰化浸出中银浸出率低的原因及提高银浸出率的途径
The quick silver electrode determination of cyanide in water samples 银离子电极法现场快速测定水中氰化物
Direct leaching of silver concentrate using concentrated cyanide solution 用高浓度氰化物直接浸出银精矿
Experimental study and application of intensifying leaching of gold and silver by ammonia cyanide to lower the consumption of sodium cyanide 强化浸出降低氰化钠用量的试验研究和应用
Study on the cyaniding process used to recovery gold and silver from cyanide residue has been taken at the same time. 同时本文对该氰化渣进行了回收金银的氰化工艺试验研究。
Silver cyanide and potassium silver cyanide are master salts of plating silver, and the quality of potassium silver cyanide has a great influence on the life of plating bath land coating. The high-purity of potassium silver cyanide is required by modern plating silver technique. 氰化银和氰化银钾是电镀银的主盐,其中氰化银钾的质量直接影响着镀层和镀液的寿命,现代镀银技术要求使用高纯度的氰化银钾。
Therefore, it is important and urgent to design and construct an automatic production line of silver cyanide and potassium silver cyanide. 因此,设计、建设一条氰化银、氰化银钾的自动化生产线具有重要意义,而且迫在眉睫。